Poséidon Québec

Red Master Discus | Symphysodon aequifasciatus

Red Master Discus | Symphysodon aequifasciatus

Regular price $100.00
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They are highly esteemed within the fish keeping hobby due to their dramatic coloring, refined shape, and regal bearing and are widely considered to be the pinnacle of tropical fish keeping. These quiet, peaceful, and elegant creatures inspire appreciation and dedication like no other fish.

Scientific Name: Symphysodon aequifasciatus
Common Name: Red master discus
Adult Size: 5-6 inches (12-18 cm)
Life Expectancy: 10 Years
Sociability : Couple (male and female) or in hierarchical group
Diet & Nutrition: Carnivore

Biotope: Various Amazonian Rivers - Sensible to minor variations in the water's parameters and to chimical products.
Temperature Range: 24-30 Celsius

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